• Politics

    Asiedu Nketiah mobbed, receives a hero’s welcome in his hometown

    The National Chairman of the National Democratic Congress, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, was mobbed when he visited his hometown, Seikwa in the Bono Region, for the first time after winning the party’s national executive election.

    Asiedu Nketiah, who is now also known as General Chairman, was in his hometown as part of his thank you tour for winning the NDC’s chairmanship election.

    A viral video sighted by GhanaWeb showed hundreds of people lined up on the streets cheering Asiedu Nketiah as he was standing on the side of a moving vehicle and waving at them.

    At some point, the vehicle had to stop because a lot of people were on the street.

    Most of them could be heard saying “ye sisemu,” which means change is coming, as they were gesturing with their hands.

    Addressing the crowd at this point, the General Chairman thanked his people for their prayers and support.

    He said that he had to come and thank them because they were the ones who had nurtured him.

    He added that becoming the national chairman of the NDC will only be meaningful if they (the people of Seikwa) can support him bring the NDC back to power.

    “… this is the first step that leads us to the general elections and by God’s grace we will together deliver Ghana from this bad government,” he said in Twi.

    Watch a video of Asiedu Nketiah’s thank you tour in the video below:


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