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    Mahama is not a true Christian - Moshake

    A former executive of the Tema East constituency branch of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has dismissed former President John Mahama’s claim that he is a Christian who will not support homosexuality and lesbianism in the country, as fanciful pontification.

    According to Stephen Ashitey Adjei, alias Moshake, Mr. Mahama’s claim is to be taken with a pinch of salt because the world saw Mahama’s true colours when he was president between 2012 and 2016, “and those colours were not Christ-like.”

    “Mahama is not a true Christian,” Moshake wrote in an opinion piece that was posted on social media on Friday.

    According to him, “If he were a good Christian he would not be so wicked as to ignore the plight of the poor, including the over 4,000 ex-workers of the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority who were unjustly retrenched in 2002 without their severance benefits even after his boss, late President Mills, had put into motion a process to have them paid.”

    The reaction comes in the wake of former President Mahama stating publicly that he fully supports the anti-Gay Bill in parliament because he is a Christian and believes that homosexuality and lesbianism are against the laws of God.

    Consequently, Mr. John Mahama promised to give assent to the Bill if its passage happens to mature during his second term as President.

    But according to Moshake, “This is fanciful and cunning Mahama at his best; he is jumping on the anti-Gay Bill for political capital. Mahama is deliberately playing on his Christian faith because he knows that more than 70% of the Ghanaian people are Christians and doing so can score him cheap political points.

    “But some of us are not dim-witted, we saw you in power and how you ignored the plight of the poor, including the over 4,000 ex-workers of the GPHA whose severance benefits have not been paid up till now because you this same John Mahama scuttled an arrangement by President Atta Mills for them to be paid.”

    Moshake also wondered why it is in opposition that Mahama has become supportive of anti-Gay Bills wondering why he did not initiate suchlike Bills when he was President.

    “Again, if you are a true Christian, why are you so vindictive? It is because of you that many stalwarts of the NDC, including Koku Anyidoho, have been sacked from the party.

    “I also wonder, if you truly are a Christian why have you not reconciled with Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings? Till date, the mother of our party has been estranged from the party because of you and the fact that you antagonized her husband, the founder of our party, Jerry Rawlings while he was alive speaks volumes!” Moshake wrote.

    The incensed former NDC executive urged Ghanaians not to allow themselves to be deceived by “the pontification of a man who is the main source of confusion in his own party.”

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