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    Don’t use your power to amass wealth for yourself – Agyinasare to politicians

    Founder of the Perez Chapel International, Archbishop Charles Agyinasare, has urged Ghanaian politicians to refrain from using their office to amass wealth for their selfish gains.

    Speaking in a sermon on Sunday, January 8, 2022, the preacher man noted that politicians must use their positions to serve the public interest and not to loot state resources.

    He also urged political parties eyeing to be in power to communicate their policies and avoid engaging in unhealthy arguments as the country seeks answers for the many challenges facing the economy.

    “Those of you who gain political power must not use it as a means to amass wealth for yourself and your loved ones. You must exercise the perception that the Ghanaian politician goes to office to loot from the public purse not to do service to the nation,” he said.

    “As agents of development political parties must make sure they implement sound social and economic policies to improve the living condition of citizens.

    “Our economy is facing many challenges for reasons best known to all. Ghanaians want to see a paradigm shift which can impact the economy and lives,” he added.

    “It is therefore imperative for political parties seeking to be in government to espouse your sound policy alternative on national issues to create hope for the people. It must not be for criticism’s sake,” Agyinasare stated.

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