• Politics

    NDC Must Remove Sammi Awuku’s Mole From Tema East

    Following revelations that there is a mole of former New Patriotic Party (NPP) National Organizer, Sammi Awuku, within the Tema East constituency branch of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), a group of NDC Executives in Tema West have called on the national leadership of the party to cut out the mole.

    In a statement, the unhappy executives warned that if the NDC loses the Tema East seat in 2024, the current national executives will never be forgiven.

    “In case we have forgotten, then let us all be reminded that it took us many years of longsuffering, disappointments and failures to snatch the Tema East seat from the NPP. If we will sit down and allow Sammi Awuku to use his mole to snatch it from us, then over to us.”

    The statement was signed by Mr. K. Mensah on behalf of the group.

    It follows revelation by one Daniel Bakah, an NDC activist and a lotto writer that Sammi Awuku had called a meeting with lotto writers based in Tema, in his office and asked them to become conspiratorial in a plan to use his mole to sabotage the NDC’s 2024 Parliamentary election campaign.

    According to the revelations, Sammi Awuku, who now heads the National Lotteries Authority (NLA) explained to the lotto writers that the NPP is bent on breaking the eight and then having an easy government that will be different from what they currently have with a hung parliament.

    Consequently, the mole is being sponsored to contest and win the Tema East Parliamentary primary of the NDC, so that he can then be used to sabotage his own campaign from within and make it easy for the NPP to win back the seat.

    Mr. Bakah who refused to name the mole however revealed that he lives in Tema Community 10 in a house that Sammi Awuku rented for him recently.

    “We thank Mr. Bakah for the revelation which has proven that he is indeed a faithful comrade within the NDC because he could have enjoyed whatever money Sammi Awuku may have given the lotto writers and take part in the NPP’s project for more money.

    “But now that the revelation has been made, the ball has been put in the court of the national executives and we are calling on them to as a matter of purpose, search out and remove the mole,”the statement of the group said.

    It also called on the Tema East NDC executives, “to make local preparation towards the cleansing of the constituency of all moles, even as national galvanizes an appropriate response.”

    Source: Kofi Asante

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