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    International Labour Day: CLOGSAG warns government to stay off pension funds

    The Civil and Local Government Staff Association, Ghana (CLOGSAG) says it will resist attempts by the Government to restructure the current pension arrangements under the Pensions Act, 2008, Act 766.

    The Association said the contributory 3-Tier pension scheme had begun to yield positive results and thus it was essential to maintain the existing pension structure in the interest of workers.

    At a Thanksgiving Service in Accra on Monday to mark this year’s May Day, CLOGSAG called for the restructuring of the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) in compliance with the recommendations of the Presidential Commission on Pensions.

    Dr Isaac Bampoe Addo, Executive Secretary, CLOGSAG, in a speech read on his behalf by Mr Kojo W. Krakrani, Deputy Secretary of GLOGSAG, said the Association fully supported the maintenance of Act 766.

    “CLOGSAG is sending a warning to all forces, both visible and invisible, to steer clear off current Pension arrangements as enshrined in the National Pensions Act, 2008 (Act 766).

    “…As workers, we call for a better pensions scheme that would yield reasonable gratuities/lump-sums and we had Act 766, therefore, we are enjoined to hold on steadfastly, passionately and jealously guard and protect Act 766 which is yielding positive results,” he said.

    Mr Addo said the Presidential Commission on Pensions, in its report, emphasised that by contributing towards a 3-Tier Pension Scheme, workers would receive gratuities or lump-sums that were comparable to or better than what is paid under Cap 30.

    He said the Commission’s recommendations were subsequently endorsed by the Government, which culminated into Act 766.

    The CLOGSAG also called on SSNIT to transfer all past credits of its members within the public sector to their respective schemes as directed by the National Labour Commission in 2020.

    “Let’s us be energised to continue the struggle for better conditions of service and to join hands with other unions to protect pension funds and schemes.

    “Posterity would not forgive us if we don’t succeed in this endeavour.” Mr Addo said.

    May Day is an international holiday observed in over 80 countries. It is a commemoration of the achievements of the labour movement.

    The holiday may also be known as International Worker’s Day. The Upper East Regional capital, Bolgatanga, hosted the national parade for this year’s event.

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