• Entertainment

    David Oscar’s Early Morning Routine You Were Never Supposed to See!!! [VIDEO]

    Ghanaian reggae artiste David Oscar is known for his energetic live performances and powerful vocals; but what many people don't know is that he also follows a strict fitness routine to stay in shape.

    David Oscar starts his Sundays early with a workout. He typically wakes up at 5:00 AM for an hour of cardio and strength training. He then follows up with a healthy breakfast and some light stretching.

    "I've always been into fitness. But it's especially important to me now that I'm on the road so much. 

    I need to make sure that I'm taking care of my body so that I can keep up with my demanding schedule," he averred. 

    David Oscar's early morning workouts help him stay in shape and give him the energy he needs to perform at his best. 

    He says that he feels more confident and focused when he's physically fit.

    "I'm a better performer when I'm feeling good. And I know that my fans appreciate seeing me at my best," he says.

    David Oscar's workout routine is not easy. He works out hard and pushes himself to his limits. But he says that it's worth it to feel the way he does after a workout.

    "I feel so good after I work out. More importantly I have an upcoming event ‘Reggae Spot’ coming off in few months and must be physically ready for it," he told this reporter.

    David Oscar's early Sunday morning workouts are an inspiration to his fans. He shows that it's possible to be successful in both your career and your fitness goals.

    "I want my fans to know that they can achieve anything they set their minds to. If I can do it, they can do it too," he says.

    David Oscar is a role model for young men everywhere. He has demonstrated that it's possible to be strong, confident, and successful in both your personal and professional life. And he does it all by starting his Sundays with a workout.

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