Gospel Singer Maureen Biniyam Reveals the Power behind a Believer’s Worship
Maureen Biniyam Charges Believer to Switch to Praise for Breakthroughs
Maureen Biniyam Points Christians to Sincere Worship as Key to Breakthroughs
Maureen Biniyam, a Ghanaian gospel singer believes that praise and worship is the fastest way for a believer to see a miracle, even in the midst of tough times.
"When we praise God, we are acknowledging His greatness and His power. It also shows that we are also declaring our faith in Him, even when things are difficult. This opens the door for God to move in our lives and bring about miracles," Maureen Biniyam said in an exclusive interview with this reporter.
Maureen Biniyam shared a personal testimony of how praise and worship helped her through a difficult time.
"I was going through a very challenging season in my life. I was feeling lost and alone, and I didn't know what to do. But then I started to praise God, and something amazing happened. The darkness started to lift, and I began to feel His presence. I knew that He was with me, and that He would see me through," she recounted an incident from her past.
Maureen Biniyam's testimony is just one example of how praise and worship can bring about miracles.
There are many other stories of people who have experienced God's power through praise and worship.
“Remember Act 16:25-34 ? …And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: …and the wall of the prison shook as the chains fell off their hands and feet…
“If you are facing a difficult time in your life, don't wait until things get better. Start praising Him now, and see what He will do," Maureen Biniyam encouraged Believers of the Christian Faith.
Maureen Biniyam's music is a powerful reminder that praise and worship is a powerful weapon that we can use to overcome any challenge.
Her song “Hallelujah” which she will be released on the 28th of July is a soothing melody full of hope and encouragement.
If you are looking for a song to help you through a difficult time, I encourage you to listen to Maureen Biniyam's “Hallelujah” and you’ll be blessed.
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