• Politics

    Let Nkrumah’s Life Inspire You To Ghanaian Patriotism - Tema MCE

    The Tema Metropolitan Chief Executive (MCE), Hon. Yohane Amarh Ashitey has urged Ghanaians to let the birthday of Ghana’s first President and one of the founding fathers of the nation, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, to be more than just a day of commemoration.

    Beyond holidaying on the day, he asks that it be used as an opportunity to reflect on the state of the country and the effort that is needed to build it to the level where Nkrumah had dreamed of positioning the country.

    “In other words, I am asking that we take time and reflect on our own level of patriotism and the actions or inactions that have furthered or retrogressed our nation’s march towards becoming the dream country that Nkrumah had wished for, hoped for and worked hard for,” Hon. Yohane Amarh Ashitey wrote.

    The statement was posted on social media on Wednesday, September 19, 2023.

    It comes on the eve of the 113th birthday of the Osagyefo who was born on the 21st of September, 1909, but died in 1972 at the age of 62.

    The statement also comes at a time that there is worrying decrease in patriotism among Ghanaians with the vast majority of the youth said to be eager for opportunity to leave the country for greener pastures.

    But reflecting on the exodus mentality of Ghanaians, Hon. Amarh Ashitey wrote that the thought that leaving the country and traveling abroad will be the panacea to hardships that people feel they are facing in Ghana is a fallacy.

    “The grass is not greener on the other side of the fence, no, the grass is only greener at the side where you water it,” the MCE wrote.

    He therefore advised that, “rather than be in a hurry to give up and leave for that so called greener pasture, why don’t you join the efforts at watering the grass where you are?”

    The brilliant Mayor of the industrial city admitted that for some time now, life has not been easy mainly due to external factors, however, he said the way to go about it, “is to set about fixing our problems rather than complain or throw our hands in the air and give up.”

    He added that, “the can-do spirit is what spurred Nkrumah and the other founding fathers of our country on and today, even several years after their death, we still mark their lifetimes as special calendar events.”

    The hardworking MCE saluted all Ghanaians who have not given up and are meditating on how to help build the country. “That is the Nkrumah spirit and I invite all fellow Ghanaians to join in imbibing and exercising that spirit. Let Nkrumah’s life inspire you to Ghanaian patriotism.”

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