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    I have 257 houses in Ghana – Ken Agyapong

    Renowned Ghanaian business mogul and politician, Kennedy Agyapong, has sated that he has 257 houses under his name in Ghana.

    In a conversation with the media, he shared that his motivation for investing in real estate was inspired by an encounter with a young girl from Dubai.

    Mr Agyapong, who is also a flagbearer hopeful of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), recounted that the young girl advised him to channel his savings, initially intended for acquiring a private jet, into real estate investments.

    Initially taken aback by the wisdom of such a young individual, he eventually embraced the advice, resulting in the acquisition of numerous properties not only in East Legon but throughout the country.

    “Now I have established enough businesses, it was a young girl who advised. I actually deposited one billion to buy a jet. One day a lady came from Dubai, she was into real estates. She went with me and inspected some of the lands that I have.

    “And she said honorable I am a young girl but I hear you want to buy plane and other things and these lands that you have, why don’t you use the money to develop it. In fact I felt so bad that this young girl gave me a smart advice, and I took her advice irrespective of her age, ” he added.

    However, he has disclosed his intention to proceed with the purchase of a private jet after establishing a paint company.

    ” I have a paint company coming up, then I am done with that I will get a jet. My houses in East Legon is not up to 100 but other places put together are 257, for lands, I have them everywhere.

    The Member of Parliament for Assin Central, known for his affluence and influence, is likely to be among the prominent wealthy individuals in Ghana today.

    The 63-year old defines success as “how well you place yourself in society to affect people’s lives”.

    The MP coming a long way, has revealed that he started selling items such as P.K chewing gum, chocolate bars, blades, and buckets on the streets around Circle.

    Along the way, he seized an opportunity to travel to Germany and the U.S. in 1984.

    During his time abroad, the industrious young Ken worked tirelessly, holding two jobs at a bakery and a gas station, earning $400 a week without a green card.

    Saving $100 from his earnings, he made a significant leap by purchasing his first taxi. Over the course of seven months, he expanded his taxi fleet, acquiring a total of eight taxis.

    He exhibited thriftiness in his spending habits, using $3,000 saved from his 11 sources of income to buy auctioned cars at $1,500 each, which he shipped to Ghana for profitable resale.

    In 1988, at the age of 28, Ken Agyapong made a pivotal investment by purchasing his first house valued at $24,000 in East Legon near Ambassadorial Hotel.

    However, he attributes his major breakthrough to September 30, 1996, when a U.S. Visa lottery, initiated during the Reagan administration, offered an opportunity to win a green card for residence in the U.S.

    Capitalizing on this, Ken Agyapong facilitated the immigration of 257 Ghanaians to the U.S. for a fee of $5,000 each, amounting to a significant sum of $1,285,000.

    This marked the turning point in his financial trajectory, propelling him into the realm of millionaires at a relatively young age.

    As a father of 14 children, Ken Agyapong holds a deep appreciation for family.

    He has sponsored the migration of 400 individuals from his village, including his wives and children, to the U.S.


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