• Politics

    Two MPs will die before 8th Parliament ends – Nigel Gaisie

    Nigel Gaisie, the founder and head pastor of the Prophetic Hill Chapel, has prophesied the death of two Members of Parliament before the end of the eighth parliament.

    Nigel Gaisie who in his 2023 message gave a number of prophecies relating to Ghana in another fictional country known as the Republic of Yemp3 Nokware, did not mention names or give further details. He said prayers are being said for these MPs to avert the unfortunate.

    “There is going to be an attack on the Republic of Yemp3 Nokware. Two of the parliamentarians will not make it to the last meeting of parliament but we will be praying for them. We will avert it like the other ones have been averted,” he said.

    He also added that a woman holding a sensitive position will be murdered in cold blood.

    He however said if prayers are not said to avert it, the country will lose the high-profile woman.

    “I saw it clearly, a woman who is leading a sensitive position in the republic of ‘Yempɛ Nokware‘, I saw she was murdered in cold blood. So I asked the angel of the lord why so? I saw a party complaining she was not fair to them, let’s pray to avert it, I see it handing and if we joke with this, it will happen because I keep seeing it,” he said.

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