• Politics

    EC, Gov’t creating artificial obstacles to prevent people from registering to vote them out – Mahama

    Former President of Ghana, John Dramani Mahama has questioned the decision of the electoral commission to set up their registration centres at their district offices instead of taking the centres to the doors of the people.

    John Dramani Mahama believes that it was an intentional move by the Electoral Commission and the government to prevent the people of Ghana from registering to vote them out of government.

    John Dramani Mahama made this known in an interaction he had on social media with the people of Ghana.

    “The electoral commission has decided to organize a mop-up voter registration exercise from 1st August to 3rd August realizing that many could not register in the just-ended voter registration exercise. I still do not understand why the Electoral Commission in cahoot with the government insist it will not bring the voter registration centers to the doorstep of the people in order that all of you get the opportunity to register.

    These are young people many of whom are unemployed and are being taken care of by their suffering parents. They cannot afford transportation from their homes to the District registration offices not to mention the long queues, the intentional intimidation that takes place by thugs and network anomalies that plagued the exercise often. Even after arriving at the registration center, many of you are met with unnecessary delays. My fellow Ghanaians just place yourself in the shoes of these young people within the needless ordeal they have to face,” he said.

    He used the opportunity to urge the Electoral Commission to prevent voter suppression with their incompetence indicating that they can do this by extending the mop-up exercise to ensure that people who could not register during the voter registration exercise.

    “No matter the obstacles or artificial challenges they erect in your path to prevent you from exercising your franchise, my victory in the polls shall be a victory for all Ghanaians. It will be a victory for all of us,” he assured persons who are of the voting age and could not register.


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