• Sports

    Kotoko Supporters should Ignore Mischievous Distraction - NCC Chairman

    The National Executive Chairman of the National Circles Council of the supporters’ union of the Kumasi Asante Kotoko Sporting Club has urged the club’s supporters to ignore what he says is an agenda to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the recent review of its constitution.

    In a statement to the press, Mr. Christopher Damenya described claims that the reviewed constitution has not been approved by Congress as mischievous, misleading and utterly disappointing.

    “I want to urge all supporters’ unions, and indeed all supporters to treat that claim with all the contempt that it deserves because it is absolutely baseless and uncalled for,” Mr. Damenya said in a statement released to the press on Tuesday.

    He also encouraged all supporters “who are really keen on making themselves abreast of the issues to reach out to the NCC for the right information,” rather than put themselves at the mercy of the ignorance of persons who do not have the fact.

    The statement which was released on Tuesday was in response to wild claims by some that the current constitution is not a legitimate working document because Congress, which is the highest decision making body of the NCC, has not approved it.

    According to the confusionist, a Congress meeting which was held in Kumasi, capital of the Ashanti Region, did not give any approval to the reviewed document.

    However, debunking the claim, Chairman Damenya said the review did not need the approval of the Kumasi Congress but that approval had rather been given by a Congress that was held in Takoradi.

    “Specifically, the Takoradi Congress of December 17, 2022 is what had given the approval” he clarified.

    Explaining the due process that led to the approval, he said that the NCC at its November 2020 Congress had formed a 7-member committee and tasked it to review its constitution so as to adjust it to modern best practices.

    The constitutional review committee would go on to put together a draft constitution and presented it through its Chairman, Mr. Joseph Korto.

    “After this, a power point presentation was made by Mr. Alexander Osei Owusu, following from which there were deliberations. The deliberations would then pave way for Mr. Kojo Addai of Circle 43, Sunyani, to move the motion for approval of the new constitution as a working document of the NCC,” Mr. Damenya said.

    He added that Kojo Addais’s motion was seconded by Mr. Patrick Adusei Yeboah of Circle 183 which is in Gyamase. “Mr. Adusei Yeboah was in turn, supported by Edmund Opoku of Circle 62 and Kwaku Baffour of Circle 171.”

    According to him, Congress, after this, “unanimously approved the draft constitution as a working document at the Congress in Takoradi.”

    Following from that, he said, he Christopher Damenya, the National Executive Chairman of the NCC and the National Secretary, Eric Mark Amankwa appended their signatures to the document.

    “The reviewed constitution took effect on April 1, 2023” he added.

    And the process was not done in secret, he said. “In attendance were Nana Yaw Amponsah, CEO of the Asante Kotoko Sporting Club Limited, Mr. Kojo Fianu of GHALCA, Dr. Philip Gyima and Mr. Sosu Danquah, a journalist from Opemso FM.”

    “Therefore, if anybody claims that this constitution is not a legitimate working document, it is either that person is ignorant or being mischievous,” he said.

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