• Business

    ATL staff stage sit-down strike over unpaid salaries

    Employees of Akosombo Textile Limited (ATL) have initiated a sit-down strike in protest against unpaid salaries and allowances that have reportedly accumulated since 2021.

    The workers who spoke under anonymity have expressed frustration with the current situation, alleging that the government presents a facade of stability for ATL while neglecting the company’s actual condition.

    According to some workers, the company’s machinery has been dismantled and sold as scraps, painting a dire picture of its operational status.

    Additionally, grievances have been raised about inadequate compensation, with claims that some employees receive salaries below GHC500.00.

    The workers are embarking on this action without the blessing of the leadership of the local textile workers union, who they are accusing of being in bed with management.

    The sit-down strike underscores the deep-seated concerns among ATL workers regarding their financial well-being and the sustainability of the company’s operations.

    The government is being urged to address these issues promptly to alleviate the plight of the affected workers and ensure the viability of ATL.

    Akosombo Textiles Limited was established in 1967 by Ghana’s first President Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah to produce real wax and African fancy prints.

    Source: starrfm.com.gh

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