• Tech

    Public Vote Opens: Help Choose Ghana's National Cyber Champion High School!

    Calling all Ghanaians! The National CyberChampions Competition (NCCC) 2024, organized by CyberGhana, is reaching its exciting climax.  

    Fourteen talented Senior High Schools have battled it out, analyzing, evaluating Ghana's electoral process, and predicting cyber-related threats to Ghana’s 2024 general elections. But we need your help to crown the champion!   

    The competing schools are Sunyani Senior High School, EPC Mawuko Girls Senior High School, Yaa Asantewaa Girls Senior High School, St, Louis Girls SHS, St. Augustine’s College, St. Hubert Seminary, Mawuli SHS, Kpando SHS, Kpando Technical Institute, Ghana National College, Bishop Herman College, Archbishop Porter Girls SHS, Aggrey Memorial AME Zion SHS and Aburi Girls SHS. 

    These exceptional students weren't just analysing; they were tasked to develop cyber threat models to identify potential cybersecurity threats that could disrupt the upcoming 2024 elections.  

    Their mission? To ensure a free, fair, and credible democratic process for Ghana. The competition challenged these young minds to conduct threat and vulnerability assessments on Ghana’s IT systems that will support the 2024 General elections. The competing schools were asked to advise the Electoral Commission (EC) on security measures the EC should implement before, during, and after the 2024 general elections.  

    Participants were, therefore, expected to develop a framework the EC could use to monitor the electoral process, votes cast, and accurate tallying devoid of manipulations, bolstering Ghanaians' confidence in an electoral system backed by high-security controls. 

    This included:  
    Pre-Election Threats: Examining potential threats like voter registration hacking, monitoring of IT Infrastructure to block external attacks, and vote tallying manipulations.  

    Election Day Threats: Identifying risks like malfunctioning voting machines, cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, and denial-of-service attacks. 

     Post-Election Threats: Considering the possibility of tampering with vote tallies, online vote rigging attempts, and post-election violence fuelled by misinformation, among other concerns.  

    These 14 finalists have presented their insightful analyses and proposed solutions to Cyberghana and The Electoral Commission of Ghana.  

    Now, it's your turn to get involved!   

    How to Vote:  Visit cyberghana's website https://pollunit.com/polls/nccc2024_grand_finale 

    Click link here >>>> to vote now! https://pollunit.com/polls/nccc2024_grand_finale.  

    The link takes you to a dedicated page showcasing the 14 finalists and their presentations. 

    Review each school's analysis and proposed solutions.  

    Cast your vote for the school that presented the most comprehensive and insightful approach to cybersecurity threats in Ghana's 2024 elections.  

    Click on the Thumbs up Icon Next to the Schools Presentation Video and follow the steps to cast your vote. 

    Your Vote Matters:  This public vote is your chance to celebrate the dedication and innovation of these young Ghanaians.  

    Their work demonstrates their grasp of cybersecurity and highlights their commitment to a secure and democratic future for Ghana.   

    Don't miss this opportunity to join the National Cyber Champions Competition 2024!  

    Cast your vote today and help crown Ghana's champion high school team!   

    Follow CyberGhana's official channels for updates on the voting process and the much-anticipated announcement of the National Cyber Champions! 

    About National Cyber Champions Competition (NCCC)

    CyberGhana, a non-profit organization dedicated to cybersecurity empowerment, launched the National Cyber Champions Competition (NCCC) to inspire Senior High School (SHS) students to pursue careers in cybersecurity or related Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines for accelerated development. 

    Cyber Ghana, through this competition, also seeks to raise awareness of cybersecurity best practices for students to stay safe online, seek career opportunities, and nurture cybersecurity culture among young children.

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