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    In 2022, Cecilia Dapaah cried in court over her missing funds, revealed Martin Kpebu.

    Lawyer Martin Kpebu alleges that Cecilia Dapaah, a former sanitation minister, appeared tearful in court due to millions of missing Ghana cedis. With his insider perspective as a legal professional, Kpebu asserts having deeper insights than publicly known. Speaking on TV3’s Key Points program, he disclosed that the matter had been in court last year and Dapaah had testified while visibly upset over the funds.

    According to Kpebu, Dapaah had been advised against involving the police due to the significant sums implicated, but she reportedly disregarded these cautions even when they came from legal experts. He stressed that legal advisors warned her of potential trouble if she continued discussing the substantial sum in public forums, emphasizing the scale of the money involved.

    Recently, the Attorney General’s information revealed that the case, which hit the public sphere in June 2023, actually originated the previous year when Dapaah’s husband found one of the suspects in their room. Notably, the initial report to the Tesano Police wasn’t included in the police docket provided to the Attorney General. Furthermore, a Juvenile Court case linked to one of the suspects was also absent from the police docket, which focused solely on the Circuit Court case that brought the matter to public attention.

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