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    #OccupyJulorbiHouse 2.0 will proceed with or without police – Group on December-long demo

    Democracy Hub, organizers of the #OccupyJulorbiHouse protest in September 2023 have reacted to a police notice that their month-long protest planned for December cannot be supported.

    The group insists that the protest dubbed #OccupyJulorbiHouse 2.0 will come off as planned despite the police notice dated November 10, 2023.

    “The Ghana Police Service has written to refuse our request to have a meeting them to discuss #OccupyJulorbiHouse 2.0

    “They continue to insist that because of the desire to celebrate Christmas, we cannot hold a demonstration until next year. We want to inform the General Public that, #OccupyJulorbiHouse 2.0 will happen live and coloured, with or without police presence,” they posted on X (formerly Twitter).

    In a statement attached to their post, Superintendent Isaac Yeboah of the Regional Police Headquarters said the police could not support the protest request due to administrative and operational constraints.

    The group is currently undertaking public sensitization as part of efforts to ramp up support for the planned protest.

    Day one of their September protest was marred by arrests of over 40 members at the starting point even though they were subsequently released after hours in detention.

    The second and third days were “successful” as the group blocked a major road artery in the capital standing face-to-face with armed police blocking them from marching towards the seat of the presidency, Jubilee House; which they had rechristened ‘Julorbi House,’ in the official hashtag.


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