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    I need more funds to deal with sophisticated levels of corruption – Special Prosecutor

    Ghana’s Special Prosecutor, Kissi Agyebeng, says his outfit needs more funding to deal with the sophisticated nature of corruption and corruption-related offences in the country.

    According to him, the need has been necessitated by the upgraded ways in which perpetrators now carry out their corrupt practices.

    In his view, corruption has become more complex due to technology, hence the need for more resources to avoid being outsmarted by the sophisticated offenders.

    Mr Agyebeng made this known in his Half Yearly Report for 2022, currently in circulation.

    In the concluding paragraphs of the report, he said “As technological advancement ushers in marvels hitherto unknown, perpetrators of corruption and corruption-related offences device sophisticated ways adapted to avoid detection”.

    The OSP continued, “It is this clear and ever-present danger that dictates full funding for the Office for investment in technology, equipment, and personnel to avoid the situation of law enforcement always being a step or several steps behind malefactors”.

    The comments by the Special Prosecutor on the need for improved funding adds to his earlier calls for support for his office.

    After taking over from his predecessor, Martin Amidu, Kissi Agyebeng has been making repeated calls for his outfit to be assisted in fighting the canker.

    His case has been that, despite his own tenacity, eradicating corruption goes beyond his office, hence the need for other critical agencies to put their shoulders behind the wheel to combat corruption in the society.

    Speaking on news analysis programme, Newsfile on 30th December last year, he drummed this point again; stating his reservations with the way the state and the citizenry have collectively responded to the fight.

    Mr Agyebeng noted that as far as he is concerned, the state as well as the general populace are not yet ready to tackle the menace of corruption.

    This he said was due to the mminimal support he has received so far.

    His comments in his 31st December report therefore corroborates his earlier sentiments.

    Corruption still remains one of the biggest issues in the country, with many topical discussions on the subject matter.

    The widespread public concern is what subsequently compelled President Akufo-Addo to create the Office of the Special Prosecutor in 2018.

    But since its creation, the Office has not yet prosecuted any offender; a situation which has triggered a lot of criticisms and backlash.

    According to the critics, the inability of the unit to prosecute at least one offender since its establishment is a testament of its failure and irrelevance.

    Meanwhile, Mr Kissi Agyebeng has assured that his outfit remains firm in tackling the threat.

    “The Office is resolute in its vision of rendering corruption and corruption-related activities an ultra-costly adventure in Ghana through the deterrence of a culture of illegal and unfair gain”, the 2022 Half Yearly Report concluded.

    He made this known after stating the current number of cases being investigated in his report.

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