• Politics

    NPP National Organizer names Supreme Court Justice in Dame-Jakpa-gate

    Henry Nana Boakye, alias Nana B, the National Organizer of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), has disclosed the identity of the Supreme Court Justice widely referred to in a meeting where the Attorney-General, Godfred Dame, met and discussed issues around a high-profile financial crime trial with an accused person.

    In a social media post on May 27, 2024, Nana B stated that the Supreme Court Justice in question was Justice Emmanuel Yonny Kulendi.

    The A-G through his spokesperson (on May 26, 2024) confirmed the meeting with Richard Jakpa, the third accused in the ongoing ambulance purchase trial that involves Minority Leader Cassiel Ato Forson.

    Wilberforce Mensah said the meeting occurred at the residence of an unnamed Supreme Court Justice, a cousin of the accused.

    He added that Dame was unaware Jakpa would appear at the meeting in April 2024 and that even though they discussed matters relating to Jakpa’s plea-bargaining proposal, the A-G at no point requested Jakpa’s help to implicate Ato Forson.

    His post alleged that the opposition National Democratic Congress’ (NDC) claim of having evidence to nail the A-G for unethical and criminal conduct came down to an audio recording from the said meeting.

    “We are reliably informed that NDC is trying every means to maliciously ‘doctor’ the said tape to exclude portions of the conversation and particularly the voice of the Supreme Court Justice, whose invitation the AG honoured out of courtesy.

    “The full-length recording will reveal the AG never requested Richard Jakpa to skew his testimony in any manner as bandied around by the NDC,” he added.

    Meanwhile, the NDC has dedicated its Moment of Truth press conference scheduled for today (May 28, 2024) to provide its controvertible evidence of the A-G’s misdeeds.

    Details of the event are below:

    TOPIC: Unprofessional and criminal conduct of the Attorney-General in the Ato Forson trial.

    SPEAKER: Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, National Chairman, NDC.

    DATE/TIME: 2:00 pm on Tuesday, May 28, 2024.

    VENUE: NDC Headquarters, Adabraka.

    Below is Nana B’s full post

    On the dishonorable and discredited Ato Forson’s trial:

    The NDC has since the commencement of the prosecution of Ato Forson employed every rule in the book to frustrate, manipulate and curtail bringing Ato Forson to justice for the huge financial loss occasioned by Ghana at the expense of much-needed emergency health services for the Ghanaian populace.

    The latest in this charade is the claim of possessing some damning evidence which has been found out to be a recording by Richard Jakpa at a meeting the AG was invited to by a Supreme Court judge, Justice Emmanuel Yonny Kulendi without being informed Richard Jakpa will be present.

    We are reliably informed that NDC is trying every means to maliciously ‘doctor’ the said tape to exclude portions of the conversation and particularly the voice of the Supreme Court Justice, whose invitation the AG honoured out of courtesy.

    The full-length recording will reveal the AG never requested Richard Jakpa to skew his testimony in any manner as bandied around by the NDC.

    Justice they say must be done even if the heavens fall and no amount of scheming by the NDC and its affiliates will exonerate any person who participated in misrepresenting ordinary vans as ambulances to the Ghanaian populace.


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