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    If you bring Adwoa Safo, then no vote for NPP – Market women at Dome hoot at Adwoa Safo

    Member of Parliament for Dome Kwabenya, Sarah Adwoa Safo, found herself at the centre of vocal opposition during her visit to Dome Market in her constituency last Wednesday.

    The MP, who has been absent from parliament and her constituency for an extended period, was met with a chorus of disapproval as she attempted to reconnect with her constituents.

    In a viral video, circulating on social media and sighted by GhanaWeb, Adwoa Safo can be seen attempting to engage with market women by shaking hands, but her efforts were overshadowed by disapproval in the form of hooting, shouting, and clapping by some of the traders.

    The market women expressed their discontent with the MP, chanting “We want change” and “Adwoa Safo, we don’t want you again”

    Watch the video below:


    At the height of heavy tussle in Ghana’s currently hung parliament, Adwoa Safo who was then a Minister for Children, Gender and Social Protection was absent from her post, creating a shortage of a single vote for the ruling party in pushing through government businesses in the house.

    She was along the line accused of sabotaging her own party especially during the election of Speaker, while fervent calls were made for her dismissal from the house and as a member of the executive arm of government.

    However, her absence has been attributed to a series of distressing events, including threats from the US government to take custody of her two children.

    In her own narrative, the MP says she was compelled to stay in the United States for an extended period to take care of her son who to go through surgery.

    This, she noted happened after she had suffered a still birth.

    Despite her explanations Many constituents asked why she did it appear before Parliament via Zoom and yet appeared on TikTok dancing and singing as these are not the signs of a mother who is distressed but rather disrespectful to Parliament and her constituents.

    Meanwhile, the MP who has since returned to the country and assumed her role in parliament albeit losing her ministerial position, has announced another parliamentary bid.

    She has since apologised to members of her constituency and her party for her absence and is currently engaging in a stakeholder consultation ahead of the NPP’s parliamentary primaries.


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